
Sandy Marrero Hernandez

Welcome to my Portfolio

Software Engineering Student from the University Of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Who am I?

I'm a sixth-year Software Engineering student at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. I'm passionate about technology, programming, arts and education. Currently working towards learning more about Android Development and Mobile Development.

See Skills



University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez (Expected May 2025)

Bachelor of Science, Software Engineering

GPA: 3.69

Honors/Awards: Honor Roll 2020-2021, Microsoft Sustainability Hackathon 1st Place

Relevant Courses: Data Structures, Algorithms Analysis, Advanced Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Software Development, Google TechX SDE, Operating Systems, Database Systems, Software Requirements, Software Testing.

See Full Resume


Research Experience

Volunteer Experience


Class Projects

Feel Free to Contact Me! :)

Email: sandy.marrero@upr.edu

LinkedIn: Sandy Marrero Hernandez

GitHub: sandy-marrero